future goals:
- lightbox galleries in glam#002-004
- proper mosaic/masonry layout in gallery
- pagination of glamours page
- more ffxiv resources linked
- expanded "about me" section
- add the glamours chesca recommended (0/9)
- add some kind of mouseover effect on glam banners to make text stand out more
- tagging system to better organize the glamours
update list:
- added glamour#016-017 and associated files
- updated collection to reflect new items from 5.5 and recent acquisitions
- fixed lack of hr tags in changelog
- added glamour#015 and associated files
- updated collection to reflect new collectibles from 5.45
- added another friend's wolshrine to links
- updated collection to reflect recent acquisitions
- added glamour#014 and associated files
- updated collection to reflect both new collectibles from 5.41 and recent acquisitions
- added glamour#012-013 and associated files
- fixed flavortext for glamour#011
- added glamour#011 and associated files
- added glamour#009-010 and associated files/edits
- added more to the future goals section
- added gallery#007-008 and associated files/edits.
- updated links to include clip studio paint and MY FIRST AFFILIATE/FRIEND HELL YES
- added glamour#006-008 and associated files/edits
- added "future goals" section to the changelog
wow did i pick a bad choice of rhetorical expression yesterday
- learned how2lightbox today. oof.
- added lightbox gallery to glamour#001 and associated files, as well as a new "test" thumbnail.
- updated glamour template and all glamour pages to support lightbox code
- updated links list with source of lightbox code for credit
- added glamour#005 and associated files.
well it's been live for a day and the world hasn't ended yet.
2021-01-04, part 2
- revamped playlist page, removed imgs, added links.
- added email link to links page
- filled in collections page
- added gallery#004-006 and glamour#002-004 and associated files
...we're ready to launch. HERE GOES.
2021-01-04, part 1
- added Content to About page, removed dummy text. Finished!
- added links to the "other accounts" and "ffxiv resources" sections of links page
- issues with headings not centering like they should on ABOUT page, too tired to fix.
Next Up: finishing collections, adding a bit more Content to glamour and gallery, figuring out wtf to DO with playlist icons, deciding if i'm going to add a way to contact me/legal disclaimer, and then i think it will be ready to go live!!!! omg
- tweaked CSS for gallery-index, glamour-template, gallery-template, playlist
- added glamour#001, gallery#001-003 and associated files
- filled in playlist lyrics. still need to add links, figure out imgs???
- added links to the "web development" subsection of the links page.
honestly i'm not done yet but it's getting to be close to midnight so i'mma post the changelog and take a break. Next Up: adding more content to links, working on the about page?? also considering the probable need to include a way to contact me and some kind of legal shit...? that probably needs its own page. heck.
- added: gallery template, styled, no content
- gallery: renamed, laid out and styled, no content
- collection: laid out and styled, no content
and with that, ALL base pages are acceptably styled for the present time! i'm not thrilled with the layout i ended up going with for gallery index but apparently i need to learn javascript to make it nicer and i'm just not ready for that right now. Next up: adding content, figuring out subfolders, and then Going Live.
- playlist: laid out and styled, no content
- glamour: laid out and styled, no content
- glamour template: partially laid out/styled
- main stylesheet: in progress
gallery and collection remain blank with me still having few ideas for them.
official first entry of the changelog, yay. status of project:
- index: complete!
- main stylesheet: in progress. have styled .sidebar, .header, and .main classes, plus some fundamental styling.
- about: laid out with one end image, one semi-filler image, and dummy text.
- glamour: blank.
- glamour template: blank.
- gallery: blank.
- playlist: blank.
- collection: blank.
- links: laid out and styled, no content.
- changelog: what i'm writing in right now.
have paper mockups for all remaining blank pages except gallery. honestly unsure what to do with that, if it needs renaming, etc. collection is also vexing me. next up: playlist.